Binance will launch the 29th phase of Binance Savings at 2020/09/10 12:00 PM (UTC), where 7-day and 30-day fixed-term locked savings products are going to be made available. Further details are below:
Subscription Format: First-come-first-served basis.
Subscription Period: From 2020/09/10 12:00 PM (UTC) to 2020/09/11 12:00 PM (UTC).
Interest Calculation Period: 2020/09/11 12:00 PM (UTC) to the top of every respective product period.
Interest Payout Time: Immediately after loan term matures.
Savings Product Details (Subscribe now)
- Amounts subscribed to Binance Savings products will not be able to receive their corresponding staking rewards;
- Refer here for the Binance Savings User Guide;
- Please refer to Binance Terms of Use prior to using any products on the Binance Savings platform.